Communication is a key to any endeavor involving more than one person. Communicating through writing is essential in the modern world and is becoming ever more so as we participate in what is now commonly called the information age. In fact, written communication is the most common form of business communication. It is essential for small business owners and managers to develop effective written communication skills and to encourage the same in all employees. The information age has altered the ways in which we communicate and placed an increasing emphasis on written versus oral communications.
In the field of education, especially in Indonesia, English skill becomes significantly needed at school and educational department at any municipals. For example, according to many of International standardized school, English is playing important part as communication tool at class. The needs about English skill is not just about speaking, but also reading and writing. The needs to contact with foreigner becomes more frequently since we playing part in international relationship and competition. Sending letter, document, fax and email to school outside this country become something usual now. The internet helps us a lot in correspondent nowadays, and adds something new and valuable to be learned more by students or practices.

1.      Definition of Written Communication
Communication is a learned skill. However, while most people are born with the physical ability to talk, not all can communicate well unless they make special efforts to develop and refine this skill further. Very often, we take the ease with which we communicate with each other for granted, so much so that we sometimes forget how complex the communication process actually is.
Written communication is the development and expression of ideas in writing. Written communication involves learning to work in many genres and styles. It can involve working with many different writing technologies, and mixing texts, data, and images. Written communication abilities develop through iterative experiences across the curriculum.
Written communication is the sharing and exchanging of written symbols between individuals or groups. It is also the presentation of ideas in a coherent manner in written form. Written communication can take place via:
• Letters;
• Faxes;
• Email;
• Reports;
• Memos; and
• Advertisements.

2.       Why Written Communication?
Writing means that information can be stored and transferred from individual to individual and group to group without relying on memory. Through the written word, records can exist independently of the writer.
The written document helps you to keep abreast of development in whatever project you are involved in as it provides an avenue not only for the sharing of ideas or opinions, but also for the presenting and defending of viewpoints.
Written communication serve as a form of acknowledgement 􀄃 proof that something has been done in case verification is needed later. Sometimes, documenting work helps to clarify thoughts and thinking processes as it allows you to mull over things slowly, at your own pace.
The reason why it must be documented because Any idea, logic, argument or phraseology derived from an outside source must be documented. In academic writing, you must give credit for all borrowed materials, for example, quotations, references, information from primary and secondary sources, facts, data, statistics, opinions, ideas and interpretations which you have gathered from your reading and research.
Such material must be acknowledged and cited, irrespective of whether you have paraphrased, summarized or quoted directly. The only exception is what is loosely termed „general knowledge‰ or „common knowledge‰, which is information or ideas generally known and accepted by everyone, including the writer and the audience.

3.      The Writting Process
Successful written communication requires careful thought and planning. It should contain comprehensive information about a specific subject and yet be clear, correct and easy to read. A well-written piece of work requires you to pay attention to the following three stages in the writing process:

• Planning;
• Writing; and
• Editing.

(a)    Planning
To write a good report, you need to plan what you want to say. After you have decided on what you want to say, list down all the points and arrange them in a logical and suitable sequence. This approach will ensure the clarity of your message and help you to avoid omitting relevant details.
(b)   Writing
The writing stage requires careful planning. It includes a pre-writing stage where you gather all the information necessary to ensure that there is substance to your writing. Start writing in simple and plain English and move from something concrete to something more abstract and expressive.
In order to improve your writing skills, you need to practice writing in the target language every day until you are able to express yourself clearly and meet the needs of your reader. Once you start writing, the words, sentences, paragraphs and lay-outs become writing tools which you can use to convey your message concisely, courteously, and confidently.
Sebranek, Meyer and Kemper (1996) summed it up in a nutshell when they say that writing is like „ and juggling, (it) is not a God-given mysterious talent given only to a chosen few but, rather, a skill that gets better with practice, practice that involves increased challenges and, therefore, risk.
Adopt a plain, straightforward style when writing as this makes your work easy to understand and reduces the chances of misunderstanding arising from ambiguity.
(c)    Editing
The third stage in the writing process is editing. It is crucial to check for grammatical errors and ensure that there is smooth language flow. The longer the report, the more editing is usually required. It can be useful to get someone else to read through the written piece for you.

4.      The Advantages and Disadvantages of Written Communication
One advantage to using written forms of communication is that written messages do not have to be delivered on the spur of the moment; instead, they can be edited and revised several times before they are sent so that the content can be shaped to maximum effect. Another advantage is that written communication provides a permanent record of the messages and can be saved for later study. Since they are permanent, written forms of communication also enable recipients to take more time in reviewing the message and providing appropriate feedback. For these reasons, written forms of communication are often considered more appropriate for complex business messages that include important facts and figures. Other benefits commonly associated with good writing skills include increased customer/client satisfaction; improved inter-organizational efficiency; and enhanced image in the community and industry.
There are also several potential pitfalls associated with written communication, however. For instance, unlike oral communication, wherein impressions and reactions are exchanged instantaneously, the sender of written communication does not generally receive immediate feedback to his or her message. This can be a source of frustration and uncertainty in business situations in which a swift response is desired. In addition, written messages often take more time to compose, both because of their information-packed nature and the difficulty that many individuals have in composing such correspondence. Many companies, however, have taken a proactive stance in addressing the latter issue. Mindful of the large number of workers who struggle with their writing abilities, some firms have begun to offer on-site writing courses or enrolled employees in business writing workshops offered by professional training organizations, colleges, and community education programs.

5.      Definition of English Correspondence
Correspondence is any written or digital communication exchange by two or more people/parties. Correspondence my come in the form of letters, emails, text messages, voicemails, notes, or postcards. Correspondences are important for most business because they serve as a paper trail of events from point A to point B. “ the law firm required all employees to archive their correspondences so  that they could be retrieved as a reference point for pending case.
According to Cambridge Dictionary is letters, especially official or business letters. It means that a business operations needs letter to cooperate with other company.

6.       The Importance of English Correspondence
Now-a-days business/operations are not restricted to any locality, state or  nation. Today production takes place in one area but consumption takes place everywhere. Since the businessmen as well as customers live in far off places they don’t have sufficient time to contact each other personally. Thus, there arises the need for writing letters. In the past the situation was not so. Business letters were not essential in olden days. But now the importance of letters has increased because of vast expansion of business, increase in demand as well as supply of goods.  Let us learn about the importance of business letters.
a.      Help in maintaining proper relationship
Now-a-days business activities are not confined to any one area or locality. The businessmen as well as customers are scattered throughout the country. Thus, there is a need to maintain proper relationship among them by using appropriate means of communication. Here business letters play an important role. The customers can write letters to the businessman seeking information about products and businessmen also supply various information to customers. This helps them to carry on business on national and international basis.
b.       Inexpensive and convenient mode
Though there are other modes of communication like telephone, telex, fax, etc. but business information can be provided and obtained economically and conveniently through letters.
c.        Create and maintain goodwill
Sometimes business letters are written to create and enhance goodwill.  Businessmen at times send letters to enquire about complaints and suggestions of their customers.  They also send letters to inform the customers about the availability of a new product, clearance sale etc.  All this results in cordial relations with the customers, which enhances the goodwill of the business.
d.      Serves as evidence
We cannot expect a trader to memorise all facts and figures in a conversation that normally takes place among businessmen.  Through letters, he can keep a record of all facts. Thus, letters can serve as evidence in case of dispute between two parties.
e.       Help in expansion of business
Business requires information regarding competing products, prevailing prices, promotion, market activities, etc.  If the trader has to run from place to place to get information, he will end up doing nothing.  It will simply result in loss of time. But through business letters, he can make all enquiries about the products and the markets. He can also receive orders from different countries and, thus enhance sales.

7.      Types of English Correspondence
 Correspondence consists of memos, letters, and electronic mail.
a.       Memos
Typically, you write memos to people within your place of work, and you write letters to people outside your place of work. One major difference between memos and letters is the title line found in memos. Because readers often decide whether to read the memo solely on the basis of this title line, the line is important. Another difference between letters and memos is that you sometimes write memos that serve as short reports.
b.      Letters
Formats for letters vary from company to company. For instance, some formats call for paragraph indents; others don't. Included in this section is a sample format for letters. Also included in this section is a sample thank-you letter written by someone after a job interview. In this letter, notice how the writer gets to the point in the first sentence of the first paragraph. Notice also the simple and straightforward salutation ("Sincerely"). As with a memo, people who are mentioned or directly affected by the letter should receive a copy.
c.       E-mail
Electronic mail is a less formal version of memos and letters. Electronic mail is relatively new and is changing in terms of sophistication in format and expectation by audience. The principal advantages of electronic mail over other types of correspondence are its speed and ease of use. For instance, in minutes, you can send out information to many recipients around the world. Included in this section is a sample e-mail format.

Written communication is the sharing and exchanging of written symbols between individuals or groups. It is also the presentation of ideas in a coherent manner in written form. Written communication can take place via:
• Letters;
• Faxes;
• Email;
• Reports;
• Memos; and
• Advertisements.

Correspondence is any written or digital communication exchange by two or more people/parties. Correspondence my come in the form of letters, emails, text messages, voicemails, notes, or postcards. Correspondences are important for most business because they serve as a paper trail of events from point A to point B. “ the law firm required all employees to archive their correspondences so  that they could be retrieved as a reference point for pending case. According to Cambridge Dictionary is letters, especially official or business letters. It means that a business operations needs letter to cooperate with other company.

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