A. Nature and concepts of curriculum in General
Concepts of the curriculum are grounded firmly in this
notion that curricukum is a racecourse of subject matters. This is some concept
of curriculum :
Curriculum as
the program of studies
It means the curriculum includes about school subject or more
specifically a listing of the titles of the course offered by school.
Curriculum as
Course Context
It is such a conception of curriculum limits planning to the selection and
organization of information that learners acquire.
Curriculum as
Planned Learning experiencess
A curriculum conceived of as planed
lheanng pexperiencess is one of the most prevalent concepts. Te commonly
excepted definition of the curriculum has change from content of courses os study and lists subjects and
courses to all the experiencess which are offred to learners under the auspices
or direction of the school.
Curriculum as
experiencess had under the auspices of the school
The definition of the curriculum
sometimes refer to the invisile curriculum, those aspects of the curriculum
that are unplaned or unintended and there for offer looked. The point out that
certain planed curriculum expeiencess are designed, for exampe to teach
students t read but as a result of experiencess had by the students.
Curriculum as
structure series of intended learning outcome
Among the writers who view planed
learning experiencess to broad definition of the curriculum maintains the
curriculum can consist only of a structure series of intended learnng utcome.
Curriculum as
written plane for action
The problem of distinction between
curriculum and instruction that John deals with also is treated by Macdoald,
another prominent curriculum theorist. In the process of arriving at solution,
this specialist achieves tentative definition not only for curiculum and
instruction but for teaching and learning as well.
B. Definition Curriculum and Syllabus
Curriculum is an organized set of formal educational and/training
intentions in written form but not
activities. Curriculum is
an organized set of formal educational and/or training intentions. in written
form or blueprint in order to increase schools quality. It means that
curriculum is setting in a paper not activities. but, a curriculum is a plan
for scholl activities.
Dualistic model
In this model, curriculum and
instruction is clearly has relationship but never the twain shall meet. Under
this model the curriculum or the instructional processes may change without
significantly affecting one another. What take place in the classroom under the
direction of the teacher seems to have little relationship to what the master
plan says should go on in the classroom. Discussions of curriculum are divorced
from their practical application to the classroom.
In this model the seperation of one
from the other would do serious harm to both. It would be difficult to
curriculum planner to regard instruction as paramount to curriculum and to
determine teaching methods before program objectives. On the other hand, some
faculties proceed as if instruction were primary by dispensing with anvance
planning of the curriculum and by leting it more or less develop as it unfolds
in the classroom.
Concentric models
Mutual dependence is the key feature
of concentric models.
Syllabus is an spesification of the
content and the ordering of what is to be taught. In the wider sense it refers
to all aspects of the planning, implementetion, and evaluation of an educational
program, the why, how and how together with the what of the teaching-learning
.According to
experts, syllabus is :
In wilikins’
(1981) words, syllabus are “specifications of the content of language teaching
which have been submitted to some degree of structuring or ordering with the
aim of making teaching and learning a more effective process.”
Bren (1984) “ a
plan or what is to be achieved through our teaching and our student learning.
Prabhu (1984),
function of syllabus is “ to specify what is to be taught and in what order.
Yalden (1987) “
summary of the content to which learners will be exposed.”
Social construction, produced
interdependently in classrooms by teacher and learners…there are concerned with
the specification and planning of what is to be learned, frequently set down in
some written form as prescription for action by teacher and learners.”(candling
C.Relationship between curriculum and instruction
Curriculum and instruction is very close
one. And it is relationship each other. We know that curriculum is a design or road
mapping and which is taught and focuses on knowledge and skills that important to learn and instruction mean by
which that learning will be achieved.
For the simplify curriculum is “what” and instruction is the
“how” which is have very close relationship. Specifically, instruction may be think as “the
planned interaction between instructors and students that (hopefully) results
in desirable learning”. Sometimes, serious questions may be raised as
to what exactly constitutes curriculum and what constitutes instruction.
Some educators feel that any curriculum includes instruction; others contend
that sound instruction includes a sound curriculum. So, the curriculum is about
plans or programs thus are “programmatic” and instruction is implementation thus are “methodological” which is like two subsystem or sub dimensions of a larger system called education.
D. Curriculum Development and Curriculum Design (differences and similarities )
Curriculum development is like a
curriculum construction, refers to the process. Curriculum development is a
process which determines how curriculum construction will proceed and
implementing curricula. Exactly, curriculum development is the way how the system to be
improved and increase according of the
curricula. The idea of curriculum development is to show how curriculum evolves
or is planned, implemented , and evaluated. It means curriculum development is
the whole way process the curriculum build and become the generally of education.
Curriculum design refers to the way we conceptualize the curriculum and
arrange its major components ( subject matter or
content, instructional methods and materials, learner experiences or activities
to provide and guidance as we develop the curriculum. The curriculum design is
to develop priorities to guide selection of performed. In other words, we can
conclude that the curriculum design is how the way to frame and arrange the
curriculum in one major from components, like subject matter, instructional
methods, and materials and learners experiences or activities. So, the
differencess of curriculum design and curriculum development is, the curriculum development
is object to plan and construct the curriculum generally, but the curriculum
design more specifically to making the
concept of curriculum will be use at the school. Then, curriculum development
to be likely technical and scientific, but curriculum design is more varied,
because it is based in curricularist values and beliefs about education, priorities of schooling, and views of how student learn.
Curriculum development just till plan and a total system but curriculum design more than plan, it was provide a
basic frame of reference for planning for developing curriculum. There are many opinion about similarities of curriculum development
and curriculum design
1. Robert s zais: curriculum
development and curriculum design their havecomponents or elements.
2. Allan c
ortistern: their have model
3. David Prah
: curriculum development was the term must frequently encountered. must
recently the activities of curriculum workers have been increase referred to is
curriculum design.
Both terms, curriculum developmend and curriculum design, are used
frequently and to an extent interchangeably throughout this book.
E. Language Curriculum Development
Language curriculum development is an
aspect of a broader field of educational
activity known as curriculum development or curriculum studies. Language
curriculum development refers to the field applied linguistics that adresses the issues and describe an interrelated set of
processes that focusses on designing, revising, implementing, and evaluating
language programs.Language curriculum development is the
processes which is include, developing, implementing and evaluating language
programs and language teaching material. Language curriculum development is an aspect of a broader field of
educational activity that we knows as curriculum development or curriculum
studies. Curriculum development focuses on determining what knowledge, skills,
and values students learn in school, what experiencess should be provided to
bring about intended learning outcomes, and how teaching and in schools or
educational system can be planned, measured, and evaluated. Because curriculun
development refers to a process, so language curriculum development refers to
the field of applied linguisticts that addresses these issues that describe an
interrelated set of prosesses that focuses on designing, revising,
implementing, and evaluating language programs.
F. Historical background of Language Curriculum
The history of curriculum development in language teaching starts with the notion of syllabus design.
Syllabus design is one aspect of curriculum development but is not identical with it.A syllabus is a specification of the
content of a course of instruction and lists what will be taught and tested. Thus the syllabus for a speaking course might
specify the kinds of oral skills that will be taught and practiced during the
course, the functions ,topics or other aspect of conversation that will
be taught, and the order in which they will appear in the course. Syllabus design is the process of developing a
syllabus. Curriculum development is a more comprehensive process than
syllabus design. It include the processes that are use to determine the needs
of a program to address those needs, to determine and appropriate syllabus, course structure, teaching methods, and material, and to carry out an
evaluation of the language program that result from these processes.
If we look back of the history of
language teaching throughout the twentieth century, much of the impetus for changes
in approaches to language teaching came about from changes in teaching methods. The methods concept in teaching the notion of a systematic set of
teaching practices based on a particular
theory of language learning is a
powerfull one and the guest for better methods has been a preoccupation of many
teachers and applied linguistics since the beginning of the twentieth century.
Once a consensus had emerged concearing he principles
underlying and orl – based methodology, applied linguistist then turned ther
attention to issues of the content and
syllabus design underlying the structural methods.
All teaching, of course, demands a choice of what will be taught from the total
field of the subject ,and the teaching of a language at any level and under any circumstances requires the selection of certain
features of the language and the international and uninternational exclusion of
others. Two aspecs of selection received primary attention in the first few
decades of the twentieth century : vocabulary selection and grammar
selection. Approaches to these two aspects of selection laid the
foundations for a syllabus design in language teaching. Many method have come and gone in the last 100 years in pursuit of
the “best method”, as the:
translation method 1800-1900
Direct method
method 1930-1960
Reading method
Audio lingual
method 1950-1970
method 1950-1970
approach 1970- present.
Nature and concepts of curriculum in general concepts of the
curriculum are grounded firmly in this notion that curriculum is a racecourse
of subject matters. This is some concept of curriculum, curriculum as the
program of studies, curriculum as course context, curriculum as planned
learning experiences, curriculum as experiences had under the auspices of the
schoo, curriculum as structured series of intended learning outcomes, and
curriculum as a written plan fo action. That ‘s the first conception of
curriculum. Curriculum is an organized set of formal educational and/or
training intentions. in written form or blueprint in order to increase schools
quality. It means that curriculum is setting in a paper not activities. but, a
curriculum is a plan for scholl activities. Then, the curriculum in language
teaching starts with the notion of syllabus design. Syllabus is aspecification
of the content of a course of instruction and lists what will be taught and
and instruction is very close one. And it is relationship each other. We know
that curriculum is a design or road mapping and which is taught and focuses on
knowledge and skills that important to
learn and instruction mean by which that learning will be achieved. For the simplify curriculum is “what” and instruction is the
“how” which is have very close relationship. Specifically,
instruction may be think as “the
planned interaction between instructors and students that (hopefully) results
in desirable learning”. So,
the differencess of curriculum design and curriculum development is, the curriculum
development is object to plan and construct the curriculum generally, but the
curriculum design more specifically to
making the concept of curriculum will be use at the school. Then, curriculum
development to be likely technical and scientific, but curriculum design is
more varied, because it is based in curricularist values and beliefs about education, priorities of schooling, and views of how student learn.